Comm by @P1grandprix on twitter

I'zhet Tia

Aether, Sargatanas

Name: I’zhet Tia
Age: 21-26
Date of birth: 13th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Race: Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun
Height: 173 cm
Sexuality: Demisexual homoromantic
Pronouns: He/Him
Ancient name: Phobos
Relationship status:
Dating Stephanivien post StB
Main Jobs:
DT: -

BackstoryI'zhet Tia was born to the sunseeker I tribe residing in southern thanalan. I'zhet became infamous from a young age for creating trouble for everyone and everything near him. Negligent parents didn't make the situation better so I'zhet turned to his own curiosity and love for tinkering to keep himself entertained. Of course this led to an incident involving explosives resulting in 11 year old I'zhet getting banished from his tribe and forced to fend for himself out in the wild.On the brink of starvation and fatigue he passed out in the desert thinking this was the end of his short and pathetic life. Fortunately a local tribe of Amalj'aa had been keeping an eye on the strange miqo'te that had been wandering close to their hunting grounds, staying alert since they had a tendency of being attacked because they were so called "beastmen". Truth was that they'd split off from their original tribe to live a more peaceful life. Eventually they decided to approach the miqo'te after noticing that he'd stopped moving for several minutes. Discussing amongst themselves they decided to carry the passed out sun seeker home and nurture him back to health, he was rather young and no one seemed to have come to collect him so he'd be no threat to the tribe either.I'zhet recovered fast after that and was accepted into the tribe and was treated as if he was an Amalj'aa himself. The tribe taught him everything from hunting, cooking and survival. Eventually he also learned the art of thaumaturgy. I'zhet was a natural and a fast learner and mastered spells with ease which left his Amalj'aa teachers speechless. Apart from his skills in spellcasting he also continued his hobby of tinkering. More specifically he experimented a lot with explosives in case of emergencies if the tribe ever came under attack or if outsiders were trespassing in their territory.During one of his many experiments he accidentally misplaced one of his latest prototypes. That one mistake cost him his tail, getting several severe burns and scarring. Eventually when it did heal and furr started growing back it remained poofy and dry causing him to neglect it which didn't help the already sorry state of his tail.Eventually the Amalj'aa decided it was time for I'zhet to leave the nest and continue to hone his skills to become a full fledged black mage. His arrival at Ul'dah marked the start of his journey to becoming the warrior of light.